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  1. Nigel
    2nd July 2024 @ 8:54 am

    Fully agree a cracking start with what seems on paper a very good mix in proved talent and experience.
    Couple of good loans will set us up for a strong season.

  2. Geoff Melville
    2nd July 2024 @ 8:59 am

    If Darren Moore is as good a manager as he is in the transfer market….Might as well give us the trophy now !
    Nice work gaffer and thanks Carol and Kevin for backing him ! UTV.

  3. Marco polo
    2nd July 2024 @ 8:59 am

    I’m H A P P Y .

  4. Peter Brown
    2nd July 2024 @ 9:37 am

    Prefer us to have our “own” players than rely on loans.
    We saw what happened last season when we relied too heavily on loan players

  5. Steve Swinnerton
    2nd July 2024 @ 11:41 am

    If you had asked the fans what we needed to sign to make this team competitive then DM has just checked that list.

  6. Joe H
    2nd July 2024 @ 12:11 pm

    In the 50’s the Vale Use to add Two VERY Good Players Each Start of Season ! Which pleased the Fans! – Players Such as Billy Bingham,
    Jackie Mudie ( inside forward to Stan Mathews at Blackpool ) My Favourite
    Jack Wilkinson, Centre Forward, & many others.
    – The attendance Then was about 11,000, When the Vale Scored You Could hear the Roar in High Lane !

  7. Valiiant
    2nd July 2024 @ 4:05 pm

    Many mistakes were made last season, but as always in life, it’s how you learn from them and how you right the wrongs. A genuinely excellent summer window so far, on paper at least, and credit goes to the owners and manager for restoring some optimism in all of us again ahead of the new season. Bring it on!

  8. RON
    2nd July 2024 @ 6:42 pm

    Over the moon impressive bit of business by everyone

  9. Ian
    2nd July 2024 @ 6:54 pm

    If we can keep hold of Garrity and Chislett as well as Dippea and get one or four of the ones who don’t make the grade then this has been a great window for me now it’s about who’s going very happy with the incomings and a lot of credit needs to go to carol and Kevin as bad as the last 4 windows have been they’ve stood up and deserve the backing of the fans this time round

  10. Chris
    2nd July 2024 @ 9:20 pm

    Just what we needed.
    A couple of quality forwards to score goals and a few players to fill the gaps required.
    Thanks carol
    Let’s go for it.
    Win the league and move on..

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