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Robbie William's Suite


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I came on here to see if things had improved since the weekend....and surprise, surprise, find myself being asked to "say something".....sorry, but no thanks......


I'm planning on staying away from this site and out of this argument, simply because nobody knows - and the rumours, conspiracy theories and the general level of debate on here - the "I told you this was going to happen" brigade - who seem to revel in anything that isn't exactly what they want being seen as not working (yet)...make me sick. It's an exercise in seeing who can be the most miserable and critical and hope for total failure......


I am fed up of the lot of you, to be honest....all I have ever said was give them a chance, let's see what they can deliver and in the meantime, stop digging traps and holes.....just have some trust....but it seems that this view is not acceptable to the powerless elite who dominate this forum. It's not about debate....there's a very clear agenda for a bunch of sad and desperate keyboard warriors.......


I actually have a life, and to be honest, I am beginning to wish I'd never bothered coming on here in the first place. You will indeed get the club you deserve, and I hope you enjoy being miserable in the meantime.


What a surprise, you hunt out my only contribution to a thread of over 100 posts and seek to beat me and others over the head with it.


You seem to regard anything short of declared love and fidelty for the new board and treason and misery etc. Any questioning of the new arrangements is out of bounds for you. No one is allowed to question anything.


You need a break from this site as you appear to be losing it, old son.

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Hank Julicher is quoted on the official site as saying Blue Sky will bring immediate financial stability to the club.


There's no need to wait 12 months. The January transfer window will be the obvious indicator as to whether things are right or not. If there are no new players signed (and I don't mean kids either) and we get stories about Micky Adams not needing to sign any, then it will be quite certain that things are not what we have been told they will be.


Vale's board need to get some quality into the team in January. This will go a long way in rebuilding the trust between them and us.


Spot on.

The January transfer window is indeed critical if we are serious about improving things on the pitch.This group of players have proved that they are not up for it and some need ditching before we can move forward.We must focus on the football side of things before promising fancy improvements behind the scenes.

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I was vocally against the previous board for 3 years, long before mo appeared but I thought the joint Mo and Mark Simms was the way to go. Having said that I was prepared to give the new lot a go but quite quickly it appears they are what my gut instincts told me they were. If Hank has the cash, why are the begging bowls out?


Even Stevie Wonder can see this lot are a bunch of chancers who are eying making a quick buck in some way.


I don't know why the begging bowls are out, I wondered if the requests were G&T induced.


Do you know if Julicher was over for the Morecombe game. His Bio suggests he has been a major player in the turf business for over 40yrs and more than likely worth a hefty sum. I can't work out if he still has a business connection to Sprinturf, the products Blue Sky sell are probably made by Sprinturf (photos same on websites although this doesn't confirm it).


Must admit I have similar concerns to you but we got what we wished for, change and investment, hopefully it will materialize.

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Im hoping the investment will materialise, I bought a ST on the back of ML & PD statements.


Im very concerned now as to why ML would try and state he never made such statements and we as fans are taking what he said out of context.


I now have zero confidence that 5m or any where near 5m will be spent before September 2012

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Im hoping the investment will materialise, I bought a ST on the back of ML & PD statements.


Im very concerned now as to why ML would try and state he never made such statements and we as fans are taking what he said out of context.


I now have zero confidence that 5m or any where near 5m will be spent before September 2012


Fortunatley that nitwit Deakin opened His gobhole yet again and my stubborn streak kicked in and I didnt get a ST.

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I don't know why the begging bowls are out, I wondered if the requests were G&T induced.


Do you know if Julicher was over for the Morecombe game. His Bio suggests he has been a major player in the turf business for over 40yrs and more than likely worth a hefty sum. I can't work out if he still has a business connection to Sprinturf, the products Blue Sky sell are probably made by Sprinturf (photos same on websites although this doesn't confirm it).


Must admit I have similar concerns to you but we got what we wished for, change and investment, hopefully it will materialize.


Well, we got change...of sorts.


Investment? I haven't seen anything yet that I would even vaguely class as investment. Miller and Deakin buying shares is not investment in my book - others may disagree.


Contrary to what posters like TragicFlask are arguing, I am not miserable, paranoid or anything like that - I am a very sceptical fan of a very fragile club who is prepared to give these new people a chance to prove themselves as suitable custodians.


Having said that, they have not covered themselves in glory so far...

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As I stated on another thread last night, I emailed Perry Deakin yesterday with regards to the concerns raised regarding the RW suite. To be fair to PD, he has responded today and has stated:


"I can also confirm that there a no loans from BSI"


I won't copy the full email reply yet, as I've only just got in and I don't think it's right to just post on a forum without his knowledge. I will check to confirm if he is ok for me to post.

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As I stated on another thread last night, I emailed Perry Deakin yesterday with regards to the concerns raised regarding the RW suite. To be fair to PD, he has responded today and has stated:


"I can also confirm that there a no loans from BSI"


I won't copy the full email reply yet, as I've only just got in and I don't think it's right to just post on a forum without his knowledge. I will check to confirm if he is ok for me to post.


All these negative theories on this subject could be stopped dead if the club would just issue a statement saying what exactly the investment involves, has the work on the RWsuite started and a few time scales. Simple.

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As I stated on another thread last night, I emailed Perry Deakin yesterday with regards to the concerns raised regarding the RW suite. To be fair to PD, he has responded today and has stated:


"I can also confirm that there a (sic) no loans from BSI"


Then either the phone saleslady or Perry Deakin is telling porkies. Time will tell which.

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Well i,ve been chasing Gary Hooper for a couple of weeks no joy, and Perry and Paula his assistant, been like trying to get an audience with the Pope (and I dont mean tom!!) on any decisions on the carpet samples i provided 5 weeks ago.....was told yesterday by a member of staff that its been put on hold until further notice!!!!


So...not going to be finished this side of Christmas then!!!

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Well i,ve been chasing Gary Hooper for a couple of weeks no joy, and Perry and Paula his assistant, been like trying to get an audience with the Pope (and I dont mean tom!!) on any decisions on the carpet samples i provided 5 weeks ago.....was told yesterday by a member of staff that its been put on hold until further notice!!!!


So...not going to be finished this side of Christmas then!!!


Well that going add fire to the suggestion the deal with Blue Sky has collapsed. :unsure:

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Well i,ve been chasing Gary Hooper for a couple of weeks no joy, and Perry and Paula his assistant, been like trying to get an audience with the Pope (and I dont mean tom!!) on any decisions on the carpet samples i provided 5 weeks ago.....was told yesterday by a member of staff that its been put on hold until further notice!!!!


So...not going to be finished this side of Christmas then!!!


Perhaps they are waiting for the bank to clear the £8m cheque?

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